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Broad Bean, Feta & Courgette Frittata

I never know the difference between a frittata, an omelette, or a tortilla. Or maybe this is simply a quicje without the pastry crust. Whetever you want to call it, it is packed full of the flavours of summer when courgette and broad beans are at their best

I always double pod broad beans. If buying fresh, remove the furry husks, and then follow the recipe to remove the inner pod from the skin which can be quite tough


Olive oil

2 small courgettes - sliced 1cm thick

200g podded broad beans

1 onion - finely sliced

6 eggs

100g feta cheese

Freshly ground black pepper

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan, then add a layer of the sliced courgettes and fry over a high heat until browned on the underside. Turn the slices over and continue to fry until browned. Remove and fry the next batch, adding a little more oil if needed. When they are all done, leave to cool, return the pan to the heat, reduce, and fry the onion in a little oil, stirring from time to time, until browned. Leave to cool

Put the broad beans in a bowl and add boiling water. Leave to stand for 8-10 minutes, then drain

Using your thumbnail, pierce the skin, then pop the emerald green beans from the pods into a bowl. You can put them in with the courgettes and onions as they cool. Discard the skins

Heat the oven to 200ᵒC

Take a bowl and break the eggs and whisk until well beaten. Add the cooled courgettes, onion and the podded beans, then crumble in the feta. Season with plenty of black pepper. The saltiness of the feta should be sufficient without the need to add more salt

Pour a little oil into an ovenproof dish, then pour in the eggy mix and bake for 30-35 minutes until set and browned on top